Bullying: se suele hablar de este término en los acosos escolares. Es una forma de maltrato psicológico, físico o verbal que se mantiene durante un tiempo hacia alguien con el fin de demostrar dominación.
Mobbing: se utiliza este término en los acosos laborales, haciendo sentir a l@s trabajadores/as humillados/as con las amenazas del acosador.
Battering: es un acoso que se da en la sociedad, en el que se intenta imponer el poder sobre otra persona mediante la amenaza o la violencia
Bullying is a form of psychological, physical or verbal is done for some time in order to demonstrate domination.
Mobbing is about the workers, the stalker makes them feel humiliated with threats.
Battering is the act of abuse in society which attempts to impose power over another person with the threats or violence.
Noticia sobre estas clases de acosos- new about this types of harassments
"Guerrillas en el patio del colegio" http://elpais.com/elpais/2013/06/01/opinion/1370097524_032370.html
"Mobbing en la escuela de arte" http://www.diariodeleon.es/noticias/leon/mobbing-en-escuela-de-arte_652268.html
"62 militares se han quedado de acoso sexual en diez años, según Defensa" http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2013/09/18/actualidad/1379527519_369868.html
Son tres tipos de acosos, pero todos tienen en común en que el/la acosador/acosadora se creen superior a la víctima, sin respetarla. Todas las personas tenemos los mismos derechos y deberes y nadie es superior ni inferior a otra persona
There are three types of harassment, but all have similar, bullies are thought superior to the victim without respect. Everyone have the same rights and duties and no one is superior or inferior another person.
At last Christine...okey everything but BATTERING has something specific as a notion...it refers to a kind of violence..search for it!!!
ResponderEliminarAs to your profile ..it´s too brief and it lacks the video clip...
ResponderEliminarHello cris, I like your post but you could write with other colours
ResponderEliminarHi Cris, I like your post bit I would like more if you try to highlight some words
ResponderEliminarnice work dont change any !
ResponderEliminarHi cristina, i would like to say you that it,´s a great job i think it´s all ok:)
ResponderEliminarHi cris! I loved your post but I think you must put more highlight
ResponderEliminarHi cristina! your post its very interesting buy I think you could try to use differents types of letter.
ResponderEliminarhi cris i think you can use another highlighters but so it is a very good job, don´t change.